Ear Syringing
Our expert and gentle approach to earwax removal ensures that excessive wax is safely and effectively removed, leaving your ears feeling clean and clear.
Ear discomfort?
Ear discomfort refers to any discomfort, pain, itching, or sensitivity felt in or around the ear. This can be caused by a variety of factors including earwax buildup.
Muffled hearing?
Muffled hearing, also known as conductive hearing loss, is a type of hearing loss that occurs when sound is unable to reach the inner ear effectively.
Ringing in the ears?
Ringing in the ears, also known as tinnitus, is a common condition in which a person hears ringing, buzzing, whistling, or other sounds in the absence of any external sound.

What is earwax?
Earwax, also known as cerumen, is a yellowish, waxy substance produced by the glands in the ear canal. It is normal and necessary to help protect the ear canal and prevent infection by trapping dust, debris, and other particles.
For most people the, the ear is self-cleaning, naturally moving the wax from part way down the canal to the outside of the ear. For these people, earwax removal isn't needed, However, some people may experience problems with excessive earwax or impacted earwax causing discomfort or hearing loss.

What is ear syringing?
Ear syringing is a method of removing earwax from the ear canal. After a course of ear drops has been completed, we flush the ear canal with warm water to loosen and wash out the earwax.
Ear syringing can provide relief from symptoms of impacted earwax, such as discomfort, hearing loss, ringing in the ears, and discharge. If you are experiencing symptoms of impacted earwax, get in touch with us so we can determine if ear syringing is appropriate for you.
Frequently Asked Questions
Ear syringing is usually not painful, but some individuals may experience some discomfort during the procedure.
Ear syringing is generally considered safe when performed by a qualified healthcare professional. However, if you have a pre-existing condition such as a perforated eardrum, ear syringing may not be appropriate.
You may experience some mild discomfort, temporary hearing loss, and discharge for a short period after the procedure. Your hearing should return to normal after a short period of time.
The frequency of ear syringing varies from person to person and depends on the amount of earwax produced. Some individuals may only require ear syringing once a year, while others may need it more frequently. We can help you determine the best frequency based on your individual needs.